Why is selenium so important for thyroid health?

Selenium is an essential trace mineral that helps regulate the thyroid gland, prevents cellular damage from free radicals and supports the immune system with antioxidant benefits reducing inflammation.

HEALTH ADVISORY:  Prior to taking selenium run a RBC Selenium Test. Individuals with high selenium testing results should not supplement. Selenium is a mineral that can accumulate in the body and become a toxic disruption to wellness if not monitored. This is especially true for individuals who have the MTHFR gene mutation or difficulty methylating.  Repeat the RBC Selenium Test each time Thyroid Labs are run to re-confirm results are not above range.  Always consult with your physician.  

Thyroid Selenium (methylselenocysteine) from whole organic food is the most absorbable form of selenium and the least likely form to become toxic in the body.  This is the form that is best for thyroid health.  Methylselenocystein helps to prevent cellular damage from free radicals and has been proven to be potent in battling cancer.

In addition to Thyroid Health and Cancer Prevention, selenium may also be beneficial:

For Immune System Function: Selenium is required by the body to make proteins for the proper function of the immune system, and functions as an antioxidant reducing inflammation and helping protect cells from damage caused by free radicals.

For Cardiovascular Health: Selenium helps to lower the risk of heart disease by reducing inflammation in the body and helping to keep the heart healthy.

For Cognitive Function: Selenium supports brain power and may improve cognitive function in the aging adult population.

For Detoxification:  Selenium is necessary for the body to produce glutathione peroxidase which detoxes pesticides, mercury, chlorine, and bromide.

For Cancer Prevention: Thyroid Selenium (methylselenocysteine) may help prevent the development of certain types of breast, lung, esophagus, stomach, prostate, and colorectal cancer.

Studies have confirmed methylselenocystein is the form of selenium that is most active in the chemo-prevention of breast and colon cancers, and possibly other cancers as well. 

Unlike other forms of selenium which are incorporated into proteins in place of methionine; Thyroid Selenium (methylselenocystein) is not incorporated into any proteins, therefore being fully available for chemo-prevention of cancer and the synthesis of selenium-containing enzymes such as glutathione peroxidase. Of all selenium supplements tested to date, Thyroid Selenium (methylselenocystein) is the most effective anti-carcinogen.

Animal studies also indicate that the methylselenocystein form of selenium is as much as 90% less toxic than any other known form of selenium. It has been shown to:

  • Produce a 33% better reduction of cancerous lesions
  • Induce apoptosis in cancer cells.
  • Inhibit cancer cell proliferation.
  • Reduce intra-tumoral micro-vessel density and angiogenesis.
  • Down-regulate vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF, which is essential for angiogenesis).

For Thyroid Health: The thyroid contains more selenium than any other tissue in the body, and low levels of selenium have been linked to an increased risk of thyroid disease. 

  • Selenium is a necessary component of the deiodinase enzymes which convert T4 to T3, the active form of thyroid hormone.   
  • Selenium is required by the body to make proteins that are critically important for preventing damage to tissues caused by thyroiditis inflammation.
  • Selenium deficiency has been implicated in the etiology of Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, and selenium supplementation has been found beneficial.
  • Selenium is anti-viral and drives down antibodies, an important factor for individuals with Hashimoto's.
  • Selenium supplementation has a beneficial effect on thyroid auto-antibodies and thyroid function by increasing the antioxidant activity and up-regulating the activated T-reg cells.

Iodine and Selenium Together: Selenium is an important nutrient in thyroid health, especially when taking iodine.

Analysis of the medical literature is clear: selenium plus iodine is the best combination for thyroid health. When iodine has been shown in studies to be damaging to the thyroid, it appears that concurrent selenium deficiency is the true culprit.  High amounts of iodine without selenium may induce autoimmune thyroiditis and goiter.

  • Iodine and selenium together increase the regulatory immune cells which prevent the development of autoimmune diseases, reduce goiter and inflammation of the thyroid gland.
  • Selenium supplementation reduces TgAb that may be elevated by taking iodine.
  • Selenium neutralizes the hydrogen peroxide that is made when iodine binds to tyrosine to make thyroid hormone.  Hydrogen peroxide aggravates the immune system, selenium neutralizes it.  

It is very important to run an RBC Selenium Test before taking iodine:

  • If test results are low and below range, prime with selenium first before taking iodine. 
  • If test results are in range, selenium supplementation is not needed; however when in range eating selenium-rich foods remains beneficial.
  • If test results are high and above range do not supplement selenium.



Selenium is a mineral that can accumulate in the body and become a toxic disruption to wellness if not monitored. 

Selenium toxicity is often caused by over-supplementation, too much or too long, and can impact the human body in a number of ways. Some symptoms are more severe than others, but all represent a disruption in wellness. Here is a look from the Journal of the American Medical Association at some of the ways selenium toxicity can cause problems:

  • Gastrointestinal Distress and Diarrhea — reported in over 75% of those observed suffering from selenium toxicity.
  • Fatigue — reported by roughly 75% of those observed. Not surprising, as one of the key roles of selenium is as a helper for specific enzymes that regulate certain bodily functions related to energy production.
  • Loss of nails on hands or toes.
  • Hair Loss — reported by over 70% of observed parties.
  • Joint Pain — reported by about 70% of those observed.
  • Nail Discoloration or Brittleness — reported by 61% of participants. Likely related to hair loss.
  • Nausea — reported in over half of those observed.

Many participants said that nail issues, fatigue, and hair loss continued for at least 90 days.  These are some of the milder symptoms of selenium toxicity. Unfortunately, other reported instances have included more troubling symptoms:

  • Peripheral Neuropathy
  • Excessive Tooth Decay
  • Nervous System Abnormalities
  • Paralysis
  • Selenosis — selenium-induced toxicity across multiple organs.

Those with MTHFR gene mutations tend to recycle selenium much more efficiently than those who do not have the MTHFR gene mutations. This recycling can cause elevated selenium levels, sometimes very elevated, well over 1,000 as it relates to the lab ranges.For those that test high in selenium the iodine researchers recommend not supplementing as long as test levels remain in the upper end of the range.

HEALTH ADVISORY:  Prior to taking selenium run a RBC Selenium Test. Individuals with high selenium testing results should not supplement. Selenium is a mineral that can accumulate in the body and become a toxic disruption to wellness if not monitored. This is especially true for individuals who have the MTHFR gene mutation or difficulty methylating.  Repeat the RBC Selenium Test each time Thyroid Labs are run to re-confirm results are not above range.  Always consult with your physician.